Brother Byron brings over 25 years of pastoral counseling experience and over 20 years of working with mental health and addictions. With a big burly beard and glowing smile, he is a very easy person to open up and talk to.  Being the son of two school teachers, Byron grew up in the average middle class suburban family neighborhood through his formative years.  It wasn't until late 1995, during his first year at Bible college, that he was introduced to families that lived below the poverty line. Instantly he developed a heart for the dear lives of the hurting and down trodden. Over the last 29 years, Byron has had the honour and priveledge of lending an encouraging EAR TO HEAR to people of all walks of life. His firm belief is to share our burdens one with another to see victory in what ever challenge one faces in life. The battlefield of the mind is a real and a ongoing struggle for all of us. Byron has dedicated his life to serve, listen, and provide guidance to his fellow man as they discover a path to freedom from fear, anger, shame, addictions, negative self image, and unhealthy thoughts.